



你觉得自己是 smart, intelligent 还是 wise?这三个形容词都可以用来表示“聪明的”,但它们之间有区别吗?答案是 :有的。

Intelligent 多指一个人“脑子很好用”;smart 虽然也可以指人“脑子很好使”但它还能突出指“一个人有做出正确决定、选择和理解事物的能力” ;wise 多指“一个有智慧 wisdom 的人”。



Question你好,请教一下 the difference between smart, intelligent and wi百思特网se。Thank you!

Feifei一个有关“聪明”的问题。Smart、intelligent 和 wise 都可以用来表示“聪明的”,但它们之间的区别是什么呢?

请大家想象我有三个好朋友:Steve、Leona 和 Joe,我们来来给大家一一介绍他们,通过介绍来具体讲解 smart、intelligent 和 wise 之间的区别。先请大家听对他们三个人的介绍。


Steve is really intelligent. He learns quickly and analyses problems without any difficulty. He did extremely well at university and got a top job in finance.

Leona is smart. She also learns quickly and got fantastic grades at school. She makes good decisions and knows how to get the best from people. And she’s always beautifully dressed.

Joe is very wise. He’s a few years older than me and has a lot of experience. Joe’s seen so much of life. He always gives the best advice.

Feifei上面我们听了对我的三位朋友的介绍。下面咱们来一个一个地分析。先说 Steve:

ExampleSteve is really intelligent. He learns quickly and analyses problems without any difficulty. He did extremely well at university and got a top job in finance.

FeifeiSteve is intelligent,他学什么都很快,分析问题的能力也很强。他在大学期间成绩优异,毕业后得到了一份金融领域的高级职位。单词 intelligent 在这里所指的就是“有才智的,聪颖的,脑子很好用的”,它也是我们分析的三个单词中意思最简单明了的一个。百思特网

下面我们来说说 Leona。

ExampleLeona is smart. She also learns quickly and got fantastic grades at school. She makes goo百思特网d decisions and knows how to get the best from people. And she’s always beautifully dressed.

FeifeiLeona is smart. Smart 和 intelligent 之间有什么区别?首先,smart 表示一个人的脑子很好使,聪明,但 smart 没有 intelligent 正式,多用在口语表达中,尤其是美式英语中;其次,smart 可以暗示一个人有做出正确决定、选择和理解事物的能力。比如,我们常说“某某人这步棋走对了,做出了明智之举”在英语里就可以说“a smart move”;还有,在英语里我们可以用“smart cookie”指“一个聪明的人”;最后,在英式英语里形容词 smart 还可用来表示“整洁漂亮的”,尤其指一个人的打扮整洁、时尚。比如,可以说“That’s a smart shirt you’re wearing”。

我们再来听对 Joe 的描述。

ExampleJoe is very wise. He’s a few years older than me and has a lot of experience. Joe’s seen so much of life. He always gives the best advice.

FeifeiJoe is very wise,wise 这个词多描述一个人有智慧 wisdom。生活中,我们多认为年长者更有 wisdom,更 wise;不过,对于年轻人中别有才华、有智慧的人我们可以说“wise beyond their years 智慧超越了他们的年龄”。

上面讲了 intelligent、smart 和 wise 的意思。下面我们再来听一些在日常对话中使用这三个形容词的例句。


Although I didn’t study hard, I passed all my exams. I guess I’m just naturally intelligent.

虽然我没有很努力地学习,但我依然考试全过。 我觉得我就是天生聪明。

I knew that studying accountancy would be a smart move. It really helped my career.我就知道选择学会计是明智之举,多亏了它我的职业才有了好发展。

Billie is a smart cookie. She picked up French in just three months and now travels on business in France.比利真是个聪明人。她用了三个月的时间就学会了法语,现在常去法国出差。

You have to dress smartly for tonight’s party. No jeans or t-shirts allowed!今晚的活动你一定得穿得像样点儿。绝对不能穿牛仔裤和体恤衫。

I’d ask Justin for advice – he’s very wise when it comes to things like this.我要是你就会征求贾斯丁的意见,因为他对这种事情很有头脑。

I used to spend all my wages at once. But I’m older and wiser now!过去我一拿到工资就立马花光,不过我现在年龄大了,也更明智了。

We made a wise decision not to travel to Italy this year. The strong euro makes it super expensive.我们决定今年不去意大利度假是绝对的明智之举,因为欧元升值,所以去那儿实在是太贵了。


好了,上面列举了很多句子,希望对大家有所帮助。如果你在学习中遇到难题,欢迎向我们提问。问题可以发送到 [email protected]也可以通过微博“BBC英语教学”联系我们。

So, to all you intelligent people and smart cookies, see you next time.







